Q&A with the Rezide Team: Meet Aliecia Webster

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February 25, 2019
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This week on our blog, we wanted to highlight one of our Rezide employees, Aliecia Webster!

Aliecia has been with our team since July of 2018, and she helps our office run smoothly every day. Learn a little more about Aliecia and why we love having her as part of the team! 

What was your background before starting at Rezide?

I went to school for graphic design, and before Rezide, I worked for a company doing graphic design and laser engraving. I was there for four years, and after a while, I realized that I wasn’t sure that it was the right career path for me. Graphic design is highly competitive, and it was difficult to find that job. In the interim, I took a job working as a hostess at a country club in Buckhead, but the drive was difficult. So one day, I decided to look for something close by, and I found a few listings for local companies here in Woodstock. I found Rezide’s job posting, and their interview process was quick–turns out it was a great fit!

What do you love about working for Rezide?

Tony and Patti are not only great bosses, they’re great mentors, too. I’ve never been in a work situation where my co-workers feel like family, but at Rezide, they do! They’re laid-back and understanding, and know that people aren’t perfect–mistakes are going to happen. But what separates them from other bosses is the further understanding and expectation to learn from those mistakes. I’m also encouraged to add input–what I like and don’t like, where I think we can improve, etc. They want me to be honest so that we can all improve.

What do you love about Downtown Woodstock? Where are some of your favorite places to visit?

I like how everything is accessible and walkable; I think it’s very appealing to most people. I love going to just about all the restaurants for lunch, dinner, and brunch–I love brunch! It’s nice to have the ability to walk from a restaurant and then visit my favorite place, Tiny Bubbles Tea Bar, because I love Bubble Tea. My second favorite place is Freight–their brunch is really good, and I love their beet salad.

The Rezide office is just a few miles from my house, which my husband and I bought last May. It was just perfect timing, really. We’re so happy there. After we moved into our house, then I found the job at Rezide, and right now, it takes me only 7 minutes to get home!

I feel like Woodstock is a great place to live. I’ve lived here my whole life, since I was born. I graduated from Etowah High School (in fact, so did my husband, but we’re a few years apart), and we both love this area. Woodstock is such a great community, for our extended families and for us to get together, hang out, and meet other people who live here.

I really enjoy getting involved in the community. I love going to networking events, and Patti and Tony attend a lot and encourage me to come as well. I love meeting and interacting with the business owners of this community.

What’s your background? Have you always been interested in construction/real estate?

Coming from a graphic design background, I didn’t have much knowledge of real estate or homebuilding before working with Rezide, but I have learned SO much. I’ve watched the process from the very start, when buyers are interested in building, to the very end and they see their final walkthrough and loving all the details. It’s really awesome to be a part of that journey with them.

What do you love doing when you’re not at the office?

I love going to the movies–Cherokee 16 has been my number one theater since I was a kid. I love all movies, really. I also love going bowling at Stars and Strikes, and all the arcade games there.

My family is all in the same area, and I love being able to call my sister up and hang say, “Let’s go hang out!” I also love to hike and travel with my husband.

We also love animals–we have so many! We have two German Shepherds, two cats, and 11 chickens. We got the chickens back in November, and hopefully they’ll be laying eggs within the next month or two. We love them–they’re the funniest little things ever. We’ve named them all, and they all have their own personalities. My favorite is Ariana, my husband’s favorite is named Sweet Pea. She will run up to him when she sees him and let him hold her.


We can speak for the entire Rezide Properties team that we thoroughly enjoy having Aliecia in the office each day. If you see her in or around Downtown Woodstock, be sure to say hello!

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