Spring Cleaning – Let’s Organize!

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April 8, 2020
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Rezide Homes
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There’s something about the changing of seasons, the newly warm weather, and the emergence of greenery and flowers that just seem to call to us all to do a little freshening up in and around our homes. Whether you’re looking ahead to moving into a new home (a good spring cleaning is definitely in order before packing boxes!) or just ready to make that warm and welcoming transition to Spring, we’d love to share a few of our favorite tips to give your home a lightened-up look!


When it comes to freshening up your home and giving it a good spring cleaning, nothing is more valuable than decluttering! Even the neatest home can look cluttered and messy if there are too many things. We like to start with two boxes: Donate and Discard. 

As you look around your home (we recommend starting with one room at a time – no need to get overwhelmed!) and pick up each item, give it some real thought. Ask yourself, “Is this something I’ll use again?” And if not, “Could someone else use it?” If there are sentimental items that you just can’t justify saving but are struggling to part with, take a picture. Pictures are easy to save and take up next to no space. And you still have the sweet reminder to jog your memory. 

Decluttering isn’t just about completely removing things from your home. It also includes packing up seasonal items (we’ll see you next year, sweaters!). No one wants to see boxes upon boxes of seasonal items laying around, so we’re big fans of finding the most spatially economical way to store things. Purpose-built storage solutions often cost a little more up front, but if you use them year after year to protect your seasonal clothing and decorations and to maximize your storage space, it may be worth it.  


As long as you’re going through and taking things off shelves, it’s a great time to do a good deep cleaning! There’s no better time to dust and wipe down shelves than when you’re decluttering and they’re a bit lighter than usual. 

Spring is a great time to begin opening windows, letting fresh air in, and getting any extra dirt and dust out. Figure out what style works best for you. Some people are ready and eager to jump in and clean the house, top to bottom, in one long, busy day. Others would rather break it up into smaller tasks over several days. Choose your style, make a list (or schedule) and stick to it! You know your home and you know your cleaning style – pick the one task you’ve been putting off the longest (it’ll be the thing that most needs to be done) and do it first. Once the most overwhelming or dreaded task is done, it’s easier to keep moving forward.

Rearrange and Organize Your Beautifully Clean Home

Once you’ve decluttered and cleaned, it’s time to rearrange what’s left. Don’t rush to fill any newly freed up space – enjoy the lighter look! Homes with fewer things cluttering shelves and floors tend to look and feel bigger (and are easier to dust). It’s also easier to keep things stored in their proper place (or even hang up a coat in the closet) if there’s room to spare.

At Rezide, we’re proud of the new construction homes we build and love showing them off at their best. As a homebuilder, we’re proud to build with your lifestyle in mind, and we always try to make the most of storage space. To learn more about our new build and custom homes, check out our website.


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